Sunday, January 15, 2012

JET California celebrates Goda Kalyanam

With Swamiji's grace, JET CA celebrated Goda: Kalayanam and concluded both Sri Venkateswars Saranagathi Deeksha and Gita Competitions on January 15th, 2012. All events went off well with devotees, teachers, parents and Prajna students participating in good numbers.

As a part of Sri Venkateswara Saranagathi Deeksha, people gathered in various devotees homes to listen to Sri Srinivasa Saranagathi story, chant Thiruppavai pasuram of the day, sing Govinda Namas and chant Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam.

Gita Jayanthi competition was well received by parents and Prajna students. 71 Prajna students participated in coloring competition; 33 students participated in sloka chanting competition and 58 students participated in Bhagavad Gita Quiz competition. Winners in each of the categories received prizes.

Sri Goda Kalyanam event was celebrated with great religious fervor in CA. JET priest Sriman Anil Swamy performed the Kalyanam with great reverence and devotion. Around 150 plus people participated in the event making it a memorable function. To highlight the story of A:ndal and Peri Alwar, Prajna students performed skits and dance programs as a part of cultural event that was organized for this occasion. All devotees received blessings of Sri Goda Ranganatha Swamy and partook the prasadam prepared by volunteers.

Video of the event:

Photos Slideshow: